Summer is here. Expand your living space with multipurpose furniture inside and outside


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M O D U L A R  C H A I R S 

Bring your indoor atmosphere
and comfort outside

Small or large, a vacation home will always be a pleasant retreat and needs comfort.

This is why furniture must satisfy more than one function without losing sight of style and comfort.

Bring your modular chair outside to lounge while sipping the morning coffee in a sunny spot. The Dublexo chair invites you to lounge, whether inside or outside. Place the chairs end to end, effectively creating a lounger to relax comfortably. 

N.B. The fabrics are not water resistant, breathable or UV resistant.

Dublexo Frej & Eik chairs

The Dublexo Frej and Eik chairs are well suited to be used both inside and outside, which accommodates needs in vacation homes where indoor and outdoor life merges


M O D U L A R  

Multipurpose modularity ensure that you can rearrange sofa and chair to fit the different use scenarios during day and night.

M O D U L A R   S O F A  B E D S

Take a good care of your guests!

Sunny days, rainy days, great friends, family, and long summer nights. Wouldn’t you like to invite your guests to stay the night?

Dublexo Frej is a comfortable sofa during the day and a restful double bed during the
night. It offers a big variety of seating positions with its adjustable, divided back.

At Innovation Living, we specialize in sofa beds and are experts at expanding your living space.
